Sunday, November 22, 2015

Getting Back on Track

Yikes!  It is that time of year where you look at the scale and see that a couple of pounds are creeping up on you.  I have found that to be the case for myself lately......  That being admitted, I am sorry to say that I have fallen off my fitness wagon.  For nearly 2 years, I was on a pretty regular plan, going to the gym or working out several times a week at home, and suddenly I found the motivation had left me.  So, for 6 months, I have done very little. Why am I bringing this up?  Because I see it daily in my office as it pertains to oral health as well.

I often ask "how is your flossing going?", and the common response is,
"It was great when I first left my last appointment, but I haven't done much lately."  Another example is when a new patient or a long lost existing patient show up after years of not having any treatment.  The response is similar to losing motivation with exercise.  Many reasons come up, including loss of funds or insurance, lack of time, procrastinating because "no one likes to go to the dentist".  But, much like diet and exercise, it is much easier to maintain health and avoid treatment by sticking to a plan.  It may not be fun, it may not be the priority, but if it is neglected the results can be painful, embarrassing and expensive.

So, as someone who is trying to get back on track with my personal goals, I am asking you if you are meeting your goals when it comes to maintaining your oral and overall health?

Call SmileLogic today to get in before the holiday's creep up on us. 303-665-1281

Monday, November 2, 2015

What Health Problems are Associated with Poor Oral Hygiene?


Oral hygiene is the most important part of our personal regimen that allows no compromises. It is a healthy habit we are taught since early childhood; no shortcuts and no excuses. Poor teeth cleaning habits sometimes come with irreversible consequences.

When you skip brushing your teeth a sandy film coating on your teeth forms which is the beginning of plaque buildup from all the food you eat. The mixture of bacteria and chemical composition of the food and drinks you intake become what breaks down the healthy part of your enamel. The small particles that get stuck between your teeth will become tartar or calculus, a hardened plaque that causes dental caries which only deep cleaning at your dentist’s office can remove. Proper brushing twice daily and a balanced diet will help to keep your enamel strong and keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Health Problems Contributed by Poor Oral Hygiene

  • Gingivitis and heart conditions- these two have a common denominator-tissue inflammation. Infection-causing bacteria may travel down to the heart through the veins and arteries. Recurring gum problems affect your immune system which in turn affects your over-all health.
  • Severe gum infection can increase the risk of diabetes complications. Canker sores and abscessed gum pockets may lead to tissue necrosis and dental bone loss.
  • Periodontitis, the more serious form of gingivitis is linked to osteoporosis. Having the same indication of bone tissue loss. Although there is no direct connection between the two, studies show that men who are suffering from osteoporosis also have periodontitis.
  • The presence of mercury in amalgam fillings raised concern among patients who have had tooth fillings. Mercury released in the bloodstream can cause serious health conditions.
  • Nicotine and tar stains on the teeth and tongue can cause mouth sores and halitosis (bad breath). Teeth whitening procedures may remove the stains and after a few cleaning sessions but discoloration of the lips and tongue may take a long time to disappear, if ever.
  • Tooth decay and bad breath reinforce low self-esteem and anti-social behavior.
  • Gum abscesses cause throbbing pain, toothaches cause headaches and irritability.
  • Gum infection can contribute to tonsillitis.


When is the Right Time to Practice Good Oral Hygiene?

The best time to learn good oral hygiene habits is when the first teeth appear at 6 to 8 months and diligently practiced all through the years. If you backslide, re-learn them before your teeth are damaged. Give your dental needs serious attention; visit your dentist regularly and utilize the dental services they offer. Remember, taking good care of your mouth and teeth today will save you a lot of money and health problems in the future.