Hygienists know your mouth from the inside out and have seen every teeth-gritting scenario you can imagine. These professionals are there to make your visits more comfortable and more successful.
Read on to find out why regular dental hygiene visits can give you something to smile about.
A Sneak Peek Behind the Dental Hygienist Mask
If all superheroes wear some form of a mask, then perhaps a dental hygienist is at least part superhero?
Well, persons in this profession certainly perform major feats every day. Dental hygienist services are far more than just handing the dentist a specific tool.
The medical professionals who shepherd you through your dental visit perform processes such as:
- Remove plaque and calculus (NOT the math kind!)
- Apply fluoride and sealants
- Administer nitrous oxide sedation and monitor patients receiving it
- Discuss best oral health practices
It's Not Just Cavities!
So you think all you're risking by skipping dental cleanings and care are a couple of cavities and maybe less-than-white teeth. Maybe you'll listen to the professionals at Charter College, who posted a teeth-grinding list of ways poor dental hygiene can affect you in some shocking ways:
- Without regular visits to a dental office, you risk periodontitis, which can then lead to major illnesses including stroke, heart disease, premature birth, arthritis, and respiratory problems.
- Dental hygienists are masters of their trade, and they have discovered issues such as dementia, acid reflux, vitamin deficiencies, and osteoporosis just by looking inside their patients' mouths! Why not just open wide?
Something to Smile About
Whether your office matches you with a dental hygienist for the length of your time with the practice or you see a rotating collective within the office, make it a routine to ask about what's being offered. Hygienists know all about services such as:
- Teeth whitening (even if you do it at home with over the counter pastes, gums, or slick-ones, ask! Your dental hygienist professional is an expert and is here to help!)
- Deep cleaning or periodontal therapy. Yes, this can be scary, but your hygienist will ensure you are informed along the way, including with suggestions on pre-appointment painkillers or other anti-anxiety medications. But it's also so necessary. Tooth decay is not something you want to be dealing with. You get one real, permanent set for life. That's it.
- X-rays. They're not just something your insurance orders every year or so.
- Preventative cleaning
Yeah, you can't really go it alone. Despite regular brushing, flossing, and mouth washing, we just can't get our teeth as perfectly clean as they need to be. Relax, you're in expert hands. And her hands are in your mouth.
Show Us Those Pearly Whites
Now it's your turn. Want to brag about conquering your fears of the dentist? Share your story below and be an encouragement to our readers.
Have questions or want some recommendations of dental hygienists in your area? Post and we'll serve those up faster than you can swish and spit.
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